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Code of Conduct For Teachers and Other Persons Employed In A Matriculation School

Code of Conduct For Teachers and Other Persons Employed In A Matriculation School

1. Every teacher or other person employed in a Matriculation School shall discharge his duties efficiently and diligently and shall conform to the rules and regulations.

2. No teacher or other persons employed in a Matriculation School shall absent himself from his duties without prior permission. In cases of sickness or absence on medical grounds, a medical certificate to the satisfaction of the school authorities shall be produced within a week.

3. No teacher or other persons employed in Matriculation School shall engage directly or indirectly in any trade or, business. In the case of remunerative work like private tuitions, specific written sanction of the school authorities shall be obtained.

4. (a) No teacher or other persons employed in a Matriculation School shall send any application for employment under any other agency except through the management of the school.

(b) The management shall not withhold any such application. It shall, however, be open to the management to prescribe reasonable conditions for relieving him.

5. Prior permission of the management shall be obtained in a case where any teacher or other person employed in a Matriculation School seeks to accept honorary work without detriment to his duties as a teacher.

6. A teacher or other person employed in a Matriculation School who becomes involved in a criminal proceedings shall inform the management of such proceedings.

7. No teacher or other person employed in a Matriculation School shall engage himself in any political activity. He shall not be associated with any political party or any organisation which takes part in politics or shall subscribe to or assist in any other manner in any political movement.

8. No teacher or other person employed in a Matriculation School shall contest or participate in or canvass for any elections. Such restriction will not, however, apply to the teachers in respect of elections to the teachers' constituencies.

9. No teacher or other person employed in a Matriculation School shall bring or attempt to bring any political or outside pressure on his superior authority in respect of his individual service interest.

10. No teacher or other person employed in a Matriculation School shall engage himself or participate in any demonstration or activity which is prejudicial to the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, the friendly relation with foreign States, public, order, decency or morality or which involves contempt of Court, defamation or incitement to an offence.

11. No teacher, or other person employed in a Matriculation School shall indulge in anti-Government activities.

Adoption of legitimate methods of ventilating grievances, however, shall not be considered as anti-Government.

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